Wednesday, April 9, 2014


In life we do a lot of learning, in many different ways. In school, in life experiences, talking with others, in personal studies. There are a lot of things to learn in life. Secular, spiritual, emotional. We are always learning too, in everything we do. What's really important is what we learn, and what we do with what we've learned. I have been on my mission nine months now, I'm now half way done with my mission. I've come a long way, but I still have a long way to go. I have done a lot of learning on my mission, lots of different kinds, and lots of different ways, but lots of learning none the less. I am so grateful for what I've learned so far. I have learned how to love others, even if we're not friends. I have learned to reach out and help others, even those I don't know. I have learned more what it means to be charitable and love. I have learned so much more who I am and what role I have in this life, and my purpose as well. I have learned more about my Savior, who He is and what He wants me to do. I have learned why and how families are so important. I have learned how to be more like Christ. I have learned how to teach, and how to learn. I have changed who I am because of what I've learned. I've become more patient, wiser, more compassionate, probably not more humble though, and I've tried to be more of who God intends for me to be. I know that He knows me so perfectly so He knows what I need to do to learn what I need to learn to make the choices I need to make to become the happiest person I can become. I am so grateful for all that I have learned, and I can't wait to continue to learn more. I do want to take the time to share a little of what I've learned. I know more so now than before that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Christ's true church in the fullest, and that we have a Prophet today called of God, who guides and directs this church. I know that the Book of Mormon is true, its truly my favorite book, and I love it more now than ever before. I know that Joseph Smith is a true Prophet too, and that he did see God, that he did restore Christ's church, and that he did translate the Book of Mormon by the power of God. I know that we have the priesthood power, God's authority and power, on the earth today, I have seen it bless my life in countless occasions. I know that we can turn to Christ for anything we need, and that He really does know us individually, and loves us. I know that His atoning sacrifice is real, and that we can turn to Him in times of need and He will help us. I know that anyone can find this out for themselves, with true desire and intent with faith and Christ. I love this gospel so much, it has blessed my life so much, and I love the work that I am able to do, it has been the biggest blessing for me in my life. D&C 76:22