Thursday, February 27, 2014

Guided by the Spirit

It's interesting what we can learn throughout our lives and what we learn in a year, in a month, in a day, hour, minute and moment. I have learned a lot lately, I think I said that in my last post, but I want to elaborate more on some of the things I have learned. For one I have learned to listen to the Spirit. The Spirit directs us on how we should live out lives and what we should do, say, so forth. It's really incredible what happens when we can follow the Spirit, what blessings we can see. Before coming out on my mission I had a really cool experience that I want to share about following the Spirit. I know that the Book of Mormon is true, it's something that I have grown up knowing, but I had never before followed Moroni's promise in chapter 10 verse 4&5. I really wanted to try his promise because I was coming out on my mission and I wanted to tell everyone that I too had tried out this promise and I had received an answer, but I'd been so busy with finishing up one more semester, shopping for my mission, going to work, and still trying to have a social life I hadn't done so yet. I couldn't sleep one night, and I had a song stuck in my head that I didn't really want in there. I sang a different song to try to get it out of my head. My go to song for that is my favorite song I learned in Primary in church when I want little, A Child's Prayer. I was singing this song when I realized that it was about praying, duh. I had sung that song so many times before but had never made that connection. I decided maybe the Spirit was telling me I needed to pray. So I decided to act on that. I got out of bed and kneeled down on my floor. My roommate was out so it was just me in the room, and I just started to pray. I didn't know what to pray for though. I didn't have a question I needed answered, didn't have a worry or concern I really needed to pray about. I thought about just saying a prayer of thanks but that didn't feel right either. I searched my feelings and then just started to pray about whatever was in my heart, I just talked to my Father in Heaven. I eventually came to the thought to pray about the Book of Mormon, and whether it was true' it was the perfect time to do so. I was alone, it was peaceful and I was already communicating with God. I prayed about the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith being a Prophet. The answer I received was truly beautiful. Yes, you already knew it was true, but thanks for asking anyway.  I knew that God was happy with me, and I could feel His love so strong that I was sobbing for joy when my roommate walked in, she thought something was truly wrong. But I had my answer, and so now I can share that with everyone and tell them that I know that the Book of Mormon is true, and I know that Joseph Smith was and is a true Prophet and that Christ's true church in the fullest is on the earth again. Why do I bring this up today? I opened a new post and thought about what I should say. I thought about sharing some of my personal scripture study, but that didn't feel right, so I paused and listened to the Spirit to guide me in what I should share. This is what I have felt I should share. I hope that it is able to help someone in strengthening their testimony in knowing that if we let Him, God will direct us, and His directions are what will bring us happiness and joy. As in 2 Nephi 2:25, we are that we might have joy.

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